The dental implant revolutionized treatments in dentistry; therefore, you no longer need to sacrifice the neighboring teeth, which can be healthy, in order to insert a dental prosthesis to replace the missing tooth.
Losing teeth causes real problems, especially if their replacement is frequently postponed. After the extraction of a tooth, the bone will retract if prompt intervention is not ensured. The neighboring and the opposite teeth will migrate, resulting in malocclusion, as well as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pathologies.
The implant is a sterile and bio-compatible piece, which is why, before inserting it, professional cleaning will be performed: all cavities will be treated and the irrecoverable teeth will be extracted.
The dental implant is made of treated titanium and it replaces the root of the missing tooth. In order to detect the alveolar bone height and thickness, an additional investigation is needed, namely a tomography, displaying the maxillary bones in 3D.
The first intervention is the insertion of the implant, with or without bone addition, depending on the case. Following the osseointegration period, of approximately six months, the implants are uncovered and the prosthetic implant abutment is attached.
The next step is the dental impression and using the lab created model, in maximum two weeks, the dental technician makes the crown.
For the edentulous people, depending on the case, a number of implants can be inserted in order to stabilize the prosthesis. All of these are possible with the doctor’s experience, competence and expertise.
In our clinic, you benefit from implants inserted by a doctor who studied dental medicine for six years, general medicine for six years, and oral and maxillofacial surgery for five years.
We are a team of dentists from Timisoara with an experience of over 10 years. Our professional activity is performed in a very enjoyable environment.
Phone: 0722 336 800
Timisoara, Aleea Martir Istvan Andrei nr. 10, bl.62, sc.C, ap.2 ( near the County Emergency Clinical Hospital)
CUI: 43781495
Sole Associate,
Dr. Mihai Cristina
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