The dental implant is made of titanium and it replaces the root of the missing tooth.
The orthodontic treatment must be applied as early as possible, starting from childhood.
We perform dental prosthetic appliances such as crowns, fixed prostheses or dentures.
Dental cleaning, removal of dental plaque and calculus, airflow, professional brushing and polishing, fluoride treatments.
Our dental services include prevention and treatment of dental cavities, using high quality composite materials.
We are a team of dentists specialized in implantology, orthodontics, maxillofacial surgery, dental prosthetics, endodontics and dental aesthetics.
We want you to benefit from the latest technology and the cutting edge equipments of our dental practice.
We care about your pain! We care about your look! We care about you! We want to solve all your dental problems. We are driven by what we do!
„Tooth ache” is a problem that can be resolved quickly in our office. Also, we can offer you a beautiful and confident smile.
We constantly review all the important aspects for you: the hygiene, the comfort and our staff’s training.
Hundreds of satisfied clients prove that we are a professional team of dentists from Timisoara, practicing dentistry with passion and dedication.
We are a team of dentists from Timisoara with an experience of over 10 years. Our professional activity is performed in a very enjoyable environment.
Phone: 0722 336 800
Timisoara, Aleea Martir Istvan Andrei nr. 10, bl.62, sc.C, ap.2 ( near the County Emergency Clinical Hospital)
CUI: 43781495
Sole Associate,
Dr. Mihai Cristina
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